It will Happen even with a 3% chance

My hubby and I have been trying to conceive for two years. I was diagnosed with DOR and I all have is prayer. I tried

<a href="">IUI</a>

in April it failed. I wanted to give it one more try in November and was told during my base line ultrasound that I only had one active follicle and a 1-3% chance of success. Of course I was devastated when I left but I remembered my scriptures and would read about miracles all the time on this app. I didn’t give up and got a faint line 10 DPO.

Of course I’ve been on rainbow vitamins, extra vitamins E, Maca Root, and COQ10. The only difference is I tried fertility prep His/hers and the pink stork tea. We had sex leading up to the

<a href="">IUI</a>

rested for 2 days and sex the day of and after the

<a href="">IUI</a>

. I was determined. I do believe that having sleek already there before the trigger helps. New study’s have shown this. We triggered and then did the

<a href="">IUI</a>

the next morning so it was just waiting to get that egg lol.

I truly hope this helps someone on the brink of giving up in their 40’s. Of course my line is much stronger today 15Dpo