Post-op Day 3 after open myomectomy


Hi All,

DH and I got pregnant our first month trying back in July, and at 41 years old, I was cautiously optimistic! Fast forward 10 weeks and we learned that we were suffering a MMC. Heartbreaking but informative as we learned that the MMC was likely caused by a fibroid obstructing blood flow to the uterus. Dr suggested myomectomy and informed us that without the procedure I would most likely continue to have MC with future pregnancies. I was able to complete the MC naturally at home, and my period resumed on schedule the next month without issue. Now here I am less than 2 months later recovering from open myomectomy where 1 large fibroid was removed via laparotomy. Thankfully my surgery was successful and Dr reports my uterus looks great. Once things are healed, Dr will give us the go ahead on trying to conceive once again. This has been a whirlwind! Anyone out there going through a similar experience??