What’s going on? I’m confused. PLEASE HELP!

So I just started charting my bbt this month. It ended up dropping on the 10th I got a positive OPK that same day. (I know it says I ovulated on the 19th but I ovulated early and my period was suppose to be shorter this month so don’t follow the chart on that) Anyways, my temps kept rising each morning (I wasn’t charting every morning but I was temping & for the most part it kept rising) until today when it significantly dropped. That should mean my period is coming HOWEVER, I’m already a little late on my period & I’ve gotten 2 FAINT positives and there’s no sign of AF. My discharge is still thin, clear sometimes white, sticky and each day I’m producing more of it. It went from subtle to I can tell when it’s coming out and onto my underwear. So what is happening?

-I’ve gotten two faint positives since 2 days ago

-My period is about a day or two late

-I’m producing more discharge than normal

-My temp dropped significantly

(I could’ve sworn I was pregnant but my test was faint 2 days ago & when I tested the next day it was still super super faint but I’ve been experiencing symptoms. My test just aren’t getting any darker)