17 month old LOSS appetite

kimberly • Erick Lago 💍11.09.14 Elias Lazaro Lago 🧸 06.18.18. Elyssa Lee Lago 🎀 12.28.19 CNA ‘21 🩺 LPN ‘23💉

My son was premature at 35 weeks weighing in at 6lbs 9oz he was put on Gentlease enfamil but was taken of at 10 months due to weight gain he went straight to 2% milk and food he was doing great until he turned 14 months and became real picky with eating now him being 17 months he doesn’t eat at all he will only eat some rice balls or 7 spoon fulls of food but he has to be starving to due so. I don’t give him no Milk for naps or any juice just water during the day and milk for bed 2x bottles 9oz I recently started giving him multi vitamins .. he does eat his veggies when he wants.. I also buy him his favorite foods and make his favorite meals and nothing he will go without eating until dinner and will only eat just a little bit ....but I’m really concerned he weighs 28 pounds he is active and we do speak to his pedatrician but says he’s fine as long as I offer him his food and if he doesn’t want it he’s just not a big eater... we also took him to the ER that’s how concerned I was but they tell me the same.

🚫so my question is have any of you gone through this if so what did you give your child to open up there appetite? And what can I do to help him eat ?

March 2019

Aug 2019

Aug 2019

Dec 2019

Dec 2019