

Hi guys,

Just wondering if anyone has been through similar.

I had a laparoscopy in October which showed mild endometriosis- nothing too severe so they put in the mirena coil to manage it. At the end of October I got excruciating cramps which I had with my old IUD the Jaydess, but this time I felt extremely ill so went to the doctors to find out I had a pelvic infection! I was given metronidazole and doxycycline for the infection and went on my merry way with naproxen and co-codamol to help with the pain. HOWEVER, it’s been over a month now and I am still in pain and feel weak! Granted it’s not as severe as it used to be but my legs and hips always feel like they are about to give way and I do still get bad cramping from time to time. I’m just wondering if anyone has any advice or experience with the Mirena and endometriosis and whether you had cramping and for how long for.

I feel so tired and ill all the time now as well as just feeling so fed up :(!

Thanks ladies!