Period 7 weeks late 😩😩😩

I had my Mirena coil fitted 17th September & I was on a period at the time. My coil come out 30th September or the 1st October. I had a period for 6/7 days and then one day bleeding if you could even call it that (there was barely anything on my tampon 🤷🏻‍♀️🥴) about a week later.

So saturday 23rd November I realised it’s nearly been 7 weeks since i had my period 🙈 my daughter turns 1 in 2 weeks so I’m crapping myself at the thought of having another baby so soon. I did a pregnancy test Saturday and it was negative.

My question to you ladies is, has this happened to any of you? Have you had a negative result and been pregnant?

And before anyone tells me “if you didn’t want another baby, maybe you should of been more careful.” Clearly by getting the coil I was trying to be careful 🤦🏻‍♀️ if I am pregnant it would of happened around when my coil was coming out.

I have a telephone appt with my doctor next week to see what I should do next cus 7 weeks without a period isn’t normal for me 🙄

Help mums! X