Initial Beta Levels...Looking For Hope, but Honesty

Hi all,

I had a 5 day frozen Embryo Transfer on 11/30.

My embryo was top grade and PGS was normal.

My progesterone levels were at a 25 and things were looking great.

Well, I had my first BETA Tuesday 12/10 ( 10 days post transfer) and my HCG level was only at a 29. My clinic called me and said that was very low and indicative of a chemical pregnancy. I go back tomorrow for my more bloodwork and they want to see my levels rise at least by 66%... Of course I’ll know more tomorrow...but I am a wreck and looking for hope and honesty.

Anyone have a similar situation? What was the outcome? I thank you in advanced for any advice or stories you share. Blessings to all who are on this long and arduous road of TTC. ❤️