My husband is missing ... prayers please .


My husband left to go sledding around 9 pm Friday night with a friend they drove out to a mountain area . He messaged me at 12;15 am . Told me he loved me and he made it . I haven’t heard from him since . He promised to be home Saturday night at 9:30 latest . Well it’s now 5;45 am . His buddies girlfriend and me are chatting and she hasn’t heard anything we r keeping in touch.

So a couple people went to see if they made it back to camp. Well there is no sign of my husband or his buddy ever making it back to camp. There are 3 people out now searching we r hoping they just got stuck and bunked down for the night or something along those lines . If they don’t find them they will be sending out a search and rescue team when it’s light out . Please prayer . I will updated on this thread as I hear anything as of now I only know he has no service at all . They didn’t bring the gps / service located with them .. and they haven’t been back to camp.