I need help!


Ok all, here’s the issue. So my AF is due today (14dpo) and so far (fingers crossed) she hasn’t shown her face yet. I took 3 tests this evening because my patience sucks. I took an internet cheap test- negative. I took a FRER- appears negative as well. I took a store brand clear response test and immediately saw a second line come up that got a little darker within the 5 minutes. I have only ever gotten one other positive test and it was the same internet cheap test- it came up positive when I was only 10dpo with my last baby in March (ended in Mc at 6 weeks). I just need advice on which to believe, what have your experiences been, etc. Only stuff that’s not normal is that my boobs are all kinds of veiny, sore, and fuller-feeling which normally doesn’t happen before AF for me, and I’ve had a bad taste in my mouth off and on. Little nausea but my stomach tends to be finicky so I don’t think it’s necessarily related. Help a girl out!

Picture doesn’t show line on blue dye well, my lighting in my house isn’t great.