I had my baby unexpectedly

I had my baby unexpectedly! 
I went to my 36 week appointment, my baby was measuring small, he was breech, and his umbilical cord was placed on the side of my placenta going in to the amniotic sac when we originally thought it was just off centered. They decided to do a C Section that day. Some pretty scary stuff. But thanking god to the doctors and staff that made the right decisions. If they hadn’t and my water broke I could have potentially lost my baby. I’m so thankful to have him here even though nothing went as planned. Being born at 36 weeks and 2 days he is premature but he is defining all odds and hasn’t spent one day in the nicu and fingers crossed he won’t have to!! My sweet baby Axel Thomas was born 12-18-2019 at 4:44pm weighing 4 lbs 12 oz and just 17.5 in long. 💙🤍