Here goes my birth story..

Shakila • Mommy to a baby boy ❤️

My contractions lasted 3 days.

Day 1: my contractions were about 3-4 minutes apart but they were never considered however i still decided to go to the hospital to see what they say. They said i was only 0.5 cm dialated so they sent me back home.

Day 2: My contractions are getting stronger yet still not consistent. I decide to go back in and they said i was only 1 cm dialated so obviously they sent me back home.

Day 3: My contractions are even stronger and they lasted about a minute and a half but they’re still not consistent. The paid was horrible and i was losing a lot of blood. So we go in and im finally 3 cm dialated however they weren’t sure if they were going to keep me as my contractions weren’t consistent. Finally they decided to keep me. Before they admitted me to the room, i asked the nurse if it was normal all of the blood i was losing. She responded “yes totally normal”. So i was like okay (this is my first experience overall so i didn’t know what to expect)

Once in my room, they asked me if i wanted the epidural and i said yes. After 3 days nonestop of contractions i couldn’t handle it no more. I hadn’t slept or ate in 3 days.

Once i get the epidural (which i didn’t feel at all), i felt so much better. I was finally relaxed and my bf went to get me food so i could eat & rest.

20 minutes after he left, about 8 nurses/doctors rush in my room. One is spraying something in my mouth, the other is putting a mask over my face, the other is breaking my water etc... i kept asking what was going on and they weren’t answering me.

The doctors asks the nurse breaking my water: how many cm?

She responds 4cm.

The doctor then says: we dont have time and removed my mask and tells me i need to get an emergency c-sections because de baby’s heart rate is dropping. He says i have 2 minutes to call my bf. My bf picks up and all he could hear is “cesarienne”. He then rushed back to the hospital and once he was back, in wasn’t in the delivery room anymore. I was already taken to the operation room.

They then rush him to take him where im at.

Once he entered the operation room, i was on the other side of the curtain so he saw my whole stomach open. They than waved at him to go in the other side and handed him the baby.

Now lets not forget i had taken the epidural less than an hour ago & now they gave me the local anesthesia. I was so drugged, every time i would close my eyes, the machine would start beeping. My lungs were numb and i had trouble breathing. It was hell.

Come to find out, i was having internal bleeding because of my placenta which explains why i was losing so much blood.

The nurse who told me in the beginning that the blood i was losing was absolutely wrong. Had they known, i would of just had the csection and not taken the epidural.

My experience was horrible yet so rewarding.

Yes i want more kids, however i will forsure go with a scheduled csection next time.

My beautiful family. my son, Kayden ❤️