I need to vent.. I feel like my boy hates me..


I hardly ever post here but quite frankly i just need to vent.. My mother and grandmother toon my son(10m) 400 miles away for the weekend, from texas to arkansas.. And i missed my sweet little man so so much and was so excited for him to get home tonight.. Well they got here and he wanted nothing to do with me. He cried and screamed every time i held him and looked away when i tried talking to him.. Now he hasnt been the most connected with me lately (i had horrible ppd and needed alot of help to get "through" it for the most part anyways) but today just completely broke my heart... Then to top it all off my little sister gets off work, comes and sees him and he is absolutely ecstatic to see her.. It is just like a knife in the heart. I just really needed to vent and maybe get some advice on how i can fix this.. I really really feel like i failed him and did something to make him absolutely hate me with out realizing it... Here is a pic of my boy just because...