A years difference

In one year, how have you changed?

Last year I was hiding hickies under a scarf while opening gifts. I felt like such a hoe. I worked a horrible job. I could barely pay my bills. I was chubby (not that that’s a horrible thing). I wasn’t happy. I was messing around with this guy trying to feel happy. I knew that it would never become more but I did it anyway. I didn’t care about taking care of my body. I couldn’t find a new job. I had been applying for months. I was just in a pit.

A year later and I’m so happy. Today I’m opening gifts with someone that loves me and is ok joining my crazy family. I finally found a job and was offered a new position within a few months of working. I can buy my family nice gifts now. I actually care about myself and practice self care. I’ve lost a lot of that extra chub. Now it’s in all the right places lol.

I can’t wait to see where I am next year!

How different is your Christmas looking?