Venting and need advice

Okay so I’m trying to make this as short as possible, 2 years ago my daughter came to me and her dad my husband that my grandfather had been inappropriate with her touching her and other horrible things it destroyed us we were so heart broken we took her to the doctor pressed charges (&still NOTHING has been done!😑) . Well this christams his daughter my aunt brought over a hole bunch of presents. Well I accepted & my husband is upset abt it we haven’t seen that side of my family in 1 year going on 2& he wants nothing to do with it now I feel stupid for accepting them... what should I have done? She said it’s from everyone basically saying her dad and mom now I don’t really have a problem with her but I felt like her mom (my grandma) knew about it and keep quite & that disgusts me.. there’s a lot of back story to this me and my sister were molested by there son (my “father”.) when he got out of prison they let him back around like nothing happend & I refuse to do that to my daughter. So needless to say she will never be around my grandfather again I believe and stand behind her 100%. She is now 6 she was just turning 5 when all this happend so she didn’t even remember my aunt yesterday ... sorry for the long read it’s kind of all over the place but I just needed advice/opinions on how I should deal with this next year. Tia