Christmas ???

My husbands sister got married in September and started trying immediately for a baby. Well my husband and I done an

<a href="">IUI</a>

this month 8 days ago, and we are in the TWW. I told my husband I had a feeling she was going to be pregnant and announce it at the Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> party. Sure enough we walk in and their son 6 was wearing a shirt that read “I’ve got a secret” and on the back it said “I’m gonna be a big brother.”

My husband and I kind of just looked at each other and said “omg that’s so great!” And then we get asked well y’all are next, when are y’all gonna have one?


No one knows how long we have been trying, no one even knows we are trying. No one knows we have seen REs and gotten test done. We have done TI and medications, we have started

<a href="">IUI</a>

. No one. I honestly felt like I wanted to throw up. No because I was mad, but because I was sad. I wanted my husband and I to be the next ones to have a child. I pray this

<a href="">IUI</a>

worked, I pray 🙏 🧎‍♀️


8dpiui: headache.


Ps we have been trying for 6 years. Married 10