To My Christmas Angel


We had been trying for 17 months. I decided to test at 10DPO and bam ! Faint faint faint something ...wasn’t sure if it was really there so I tested in the morning of 11DPO on December 21st darker line! We were so happy. We thought we were going to get to be your mommy and daddy ...I was over the moon. We were Planning to announce to your grandparents on Christmas , and we couldn’t wait to feel and see you grow. 12 DPO a darker line yet and I felt reassured. Then, the cramping started. Worse and worse and worse . I knew something was wrong. These weren’t normal cramps. So i waited to take a test the next morning and to my sadness there was almost no line anymore. Frantic I made a doctor appointment for an hcg test for Monday. Results came in on Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> , my HCG was down to a 2. I was no longer carrying and then I started to bleed.

To my Christmas angel, I will never know why god chose to take you so soon. But I love you no loess than if you were carried for 3 months, or 9 months or even 10 seconds. You were there and you were real and so was our love for you.