Christmas Miracle *trigger warning*

I lost my baby at 9 weeks on Thursday the 19th of December. I was bleeding heavily and went in to find an impending miscarriage. I passed the baby in the ER and got to see him. (my husband and I are sure it's a boy). He was perfect and I don't know why he didn't make it. Then Sunday night I again began to bleed heavily and went to the ER. They found retained placenta and sent me home with Cytotec to pass what was left. The drug did nothing no pain, no contractions for 2 days. Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> I started cramping and went to the bathroom to find myself bleeding out. My husband rushed me to the ER. Thankfully we live about a minute from the hospital. I was bleeding so profusely it was going everywhere. I lost track of time but my husband said it was all in about 30 minutes. I lost 2 Liters of blood nearly 50% of my total blood volume. I ended up getting blood transfusions and an emergency d&c. It was intense. I was ok with dying, I know where I'm going and I have 2 babies waiting for me in heaven. I also wanted to stick around and love my husband and kids for a few more decades but I felt so much peace. Surgery went well and I came to so happy that everything was going to be ok. My blood volume was critically low and it took more blood before they could send me home today. My Dr. told me I would have died if I didn't come in when I did. I'm home now. Christmas plans all went to crap but none of us care that dinner isn't what we planned and gifts are unimportant today. I'm so thankful to be here and It's going to be a long road to recovery but we will get through. I miss my baby terribly. I cry myself to sleep most nights, it's a terrible pain but I know I'm needed here.