I’ve officially created bad sleeping habits 😩


I started co-sleeping with my son about 3 weeks ago. He wakes up multiple times a night either to nurse or just to be soothed back to sleep. My SO works 12 hours a day so he doesn’t help at night. I started bringing my LO in bed with me thinking it would help but he still wakes up multiple times, but it’s easier getting him back to sleep if he’s in our bed beside me. I don’t want him to always sleep with me, but I don’t know how to transition him back to his bassinet or crib now that he’s so used to sleeping beside me. I’m assuming he’s waking so much because of the sleep regression. My question is, how can I transition him back to his own sleep space? Should I wait for the sleep regression to be over? Or should I just do it now? I’m so sleep deprived I’ll take any advice/suggestions 😥