

so i’m wanting to get bangs (i’m not having a crisis, i’m perfectly mentally stable) i just think they’ll look cute and i asked my parents to make me a hair appointment to get them done. my dad honestly doesn’t care but my mom’s like “nO, iT’s A LiTtLe sChOoL gIrLs hAiRcUt” which is garbage in my opinion. soooo i cut a few hairs to see what it’d look like and i actually like it.

ignore my dirty mirror but obviously it’d be more hair and i like it. so i might just schedule myself a hair appointment. i have just enough money for it too and my dad even volunteered to pay for what i can’t. i’m just worried about my mom. should i do it? i really want to. i mean, it IS just hair, it’ll grow back. my guy friend is telling my don’t do it but many people are saying yes so majority wins i guess😁😅