Long hard labor was well worth it.


I had been dealing with nausea and vomiting since week 8 and at 39 weeks after 2 weeks of being dilated and losing my mucus plug, there was absolutely no progress and my anti-nausea medication was beginning to not work at all. It was my 3rd trip to the hospital that week when they decided to induce me on the night of 12/21/19. After giving 5 pills vaginally, having back labor contractions for 24 hours, and inserting another method and leaving it there for 12 hours I was finally beginning to dilate and they started Pitocin. After over 48 hours of labor, my water breaking in the process, and the epidural no longer working with the back labor pains, I was ready to push. I pushed for 2 and a half hours feeling every contraction and vomiting continuously, when his heart rate dropped and my body decided to stop having contractions. They rushed us into an emergency c-section. Halfway through, I realized that my whole torso wasn’t numb and everything that was going on around and above my bellybutton, I could feel the pain of. It just wasn’t my week for pain relief apparently. At 2:25am after 53 hours of labor my beautiful baby boy Theodore J Edwin Calero was born on 12/24/19 at 6lbs 11oz and 20in long. Even though labor was hell and nothing about my pregnancy was easy in the slightest, he’s made everything absolutely so worth it. 🥰