Shaking While Asleep??


So tonight I was nursing my 5mo son to sleep as I do every night, he was mostly asleep but still kind of sleep suckling a little bit. Suddenly he starting shaking, almost like a seizure—I have never seen a seizure before, so I can only assume. His arms were shaking, bent at the elbow I think, and his head was shaking too, but once he started and I tried to detach him from my nipple, he was still trying to actively stay latched while still shaking/partially asleep, it was really quick and only lasted about 10 seconds and he kept nursing after that normally. I didn’t notice anything else abnormal and he went to sleep just fine.

Also, and I have no clue if this is relevant or related at all, but he does this little shiver during the day just with his head while wide awake, and usually makes a little noise when he does it (like “hehh” or “hnn”). He is totally awake and aware and usually looking at me when he does it.

Does anyone know what this is?? I’m really worried about the possibility of epilepsy.