34 weeks 3 days - Contracting all day and night and currently at hospital...


The doc is hoping to keep baby in another couple weeks. I was having contractions all last night and day back to back minutes apart, so I went to my hospital and after being monitored and showing having back to back contractions, they gave me a steroid shot to help mature babys lungs and some other meds to try and stop contractions cuz im only 34 weeks and 3 days today. They transferred me by ambulance to another nearby hospital cuz they have a Niccu here incase baby comes and needs any assistance from being born premature. The contractions have slowed down and just recently stopped from the meds but either way I have to stay til tomorrow to get a second round of the steroid shot for the baby. When I first got to my hospital they checked my cervix and I was 1cm a couple hours later was checked again and was 1cm but when contracting was 2cm. They didn't want to check me again at this hospital unless my contractions got painful and stronger cuz I started bleeding after the exams. So now it's just a wait and see I guess.. I do have a question if anyone's reading cuz I didn't get a answer from the nurse.. Can the steroid shot cause my vagina and labia to swell cuz when I got up to pee it was swollen bad all a sudden???