Difficulty breathing 3rd trimester

I am 32 and since the middle of November I have been having increased difficulty breathing. I know it is common in the 3rd trimester especially for women with asthma. I have talked to my OB about it several times but there isn't really much we can do for it.

On bad days I can't even get through a full sentence without gasping for air. I cant walk very far before I need to sit down and I have passed out a couple of times. My albuterol helps but not enough and makes it so hard to sleep. Flovent hasn't seemed to do anything but we just increased the dose.

I am getting really depressed because I just can't do anything and I have about 2 more months of this. I am also scared of it getting worse. I have a prenatal coming up and am going to ask if I can be induced by 39 weeks.

Any other moms having this? What helps?