Okay so update, I posted a week or so ago about getting two positive tests using the 89 cent testers but I haven’t tested since then until now....

My boyfriend got my a three pack of first response and I used two last night (I’m 2 days away from supposedly getting my period according to the <a href="">Glow app</a>) I figured it would be accurate if I tested now since I’m only a few days away from my period.

The first test was negative no doubt but the second one confused me as there was a faint line but so faint I didn’t know if I had line eyes or not....and not even an hour later my boyfriend was like “let’s look at the test” just for fun to see if it changed but the line was just more apparent (still very faint) but he made it clear that there were two lines and yes I’m aware you’re not supposed to read tests after a certain time.

Anyways, I took another this morning (digital first response) and it was negative.

I do have some symptoms and I don’t feel like I’m going to get my period. Usually I can feel my period coming on but idk I don’t feel anything besides PMS symptoms which I’ve had for the past couple of weeks.

Idk if I should keep testing and wait to see if I get period, see a doctor, or just decide I’m not pregnant and leave it alone....