How to come up with a plan?


I just found out I’m pregnant and most definitely didn’t plan this. I’m 16 years old living with just my mom who is a single mom but also a teacher so she barely makes it by each paycheck. Not that I would ask for a lot of money, just sharing my situation. I feel like it sounds really early to do this because I found out and told my boyfriend YESTERDAY, but I don’t have a plan and I don’t know what I’m gonna do or how to make money IF I decide to keep it. But I’m obviously not a mature person so how would I manage keeping a baby, but at the same time I know myself well enough to know I could never give up a baby.

But my mother is also very religious (as am I) so I could never get an abortion, she wouldn’t let me. But I am also very pro life so I wouldn’t be able to do it.

I know no one can tell me what I have to do, but suggestions would be nice from someone who’s gone through this maybe?

(Also, after doing the math I’m about 4-6 weeks give or take)

EDIT: Thank you all SO much for being real and telling me how it is but also being nice. I get a little nervous posting this kind of stuff but I feel a little better