Y’all I’m just so happy rn you’d think I drank a whole pot of coffee. A little back story, me and my fiancé are only 21 years old and we don’t even own a house yet. We’ve been renting but we agreed I was to finish school, we were to get a house and be married before trying for a kid. We really screwed up the other day (2 weeks ago to be exact) and had drunk sex the day I ovulated. I checked my calendar and we actually had sex a day before ovu the day of ovu and the day after. When we were drunk we have no clue if he pulled out and that is the method we are using bc I cant take bc and we HATE condoms (might rethink that tho) well anyways, I started very lightly spotting about 4 days before my period and my body was just feeling weird. No signs of a period and randomly spotting which I never do. Well I went and took a early results test and WE GOOOOOOD! Time to party 😂😂😍😍