What should I do?! Sisters ex-boyfriend is CRAZY see


So my sister was with this dude, and he was super stalkerish, weird and none of us liked him as he had issues. She broke up with him about a year ago now (my sister is now in the most amazing relationship with the most patient man any of us have ever come across and we are so happy for her, he's absolutely lovely) anyway, her ex has started coming to my mother's house and doing shit to my sister's car, it's happened twice now. My sister isn't here as she is in a different town doing 24 hour shifts looking after a lady with disability, and she is never here anyway because she stays with her partner most of the time, she takes a different car to work as hers is dormant in the driveway because one of the tires isn't on it. I've moved into my mothers house with my son as I have split with my ex-partner, and her ex came to my mother's house LASTNIGHT while we were all sleeping again and put glitter all over her car, in the carport. The first incident was they went to to great lengths to find a photo of my sister's big toe (stupid and immature I know) and print it onto A4 paper and sticks several copies onto her car and on my mother's house windows. I'm getting so over it. The stupid thing is that he has a girlfriend who is helping him, we actually knew her growing up (she's a little slow, has special needs bit she knows what she's doing and she has THE bitchiest attitude).

What should I do? My sister is getting over it. I'M getting over it. It makes me livid.

I'm thinking of staying up late for a couple of nights to try and catch them out if they do it again. Should i? I'm willing to chase them off and tell them to get the fuck off of my mother's property. They are SO immature. This guy is 25 mind you.

UPDATE: I messaged him

And then I blocked them.