Kissing babies

Hey ladies! I’m trying to figure out if I’m just being a crazy FTM or if other people feel the way I do.

I have a sweet 11 week old little man. Since he was born his father and myself, told everyone no kisses. That rule was broken by his family within 2 minutes of meeting him. (He was born a little early and weighed 5lbs 3oz so this was even more irritating for me because he was so little)

His parents are teachers so they’re constantly exposed to all sorts of things they pick up from the little ones. They stop by regularly after work to see him, and NEVER wash their hands before they hold him and ALWAYS take off his hat to kiss him or kiss his face and hands. I constantly express how I feel and I’m told I need to stop keeping him in a bubble. Am I being irrational for not wanting people to kiss my baby??


Thank you so much for all of your responses! I’m so glad I’m not crazy or the only one that feels this way! There are so many ways to bond with a baby that doesn’t involve kissing them. I will definitely have my husband pull them aside and talk to them privately and if that doesn’t work, we will just have to tell them if they can’t respect our rules then they can’t see him. Especially the simple rules of washing hands and no kissing.