In law drama rant


So I’m 35+5, my husband and I both decided that we don’t want anyone at the hospital during labor or after baby is born. I’m so mean when I’m in pain and I don’t want people around after when I’m tired. Plus, my husband and I want time with him as a family of 3 before we are bombarded by people. Bottom line, it’s our baby and our decision” So we discussed not telling anyone when I go into labor. My husbands family is incredibly overwhelming and nosey and all up in your business if you let them (i love them but geesh). I knew they weren’t going to take this news well so i wasn’t going to tell them that was our plan. I could already tell my MIL was offended that I don’t want her to stay with us after to take care of the baby.

Well... while I was in the shower getting ready for Christmas, my husband told his family this was our plan because his mom said that they want to be in the waiting room while I’m in labor. Commence drama. She tried to talk to me about it at Christmas but played it off like she was ok and told me “well just tell me when you’re in labor”. No because I know they would show up. After Christmas his dad calls and says “we envisioned being there and you’d bring him out and present him to us after” my husband said no. After he’s born, we’re doing skin to skin 1-2 hours, delayed cord cutting, and then my husband wants to do skin to skin. I’m not feeling pressured to have my baby taken so they can see him. Then “well I’ll look at him through the glass of the nursery” again no because we don’t plan on sending him to the nursery. And THEN “well you’re going to want us around to help you make decisions “ ABSOLUTELY NO!! That is literally the last thing I want. I have researched and planned and if something comes up me and my husband will make a decision. Then his mom texts him “call me when you get a second to talk privately” AKA I think your wife is being controlling and I want to talk you out of it. He text back “mom this is our decision you’re just going to have to respect it” and she lost her shit! Saying, “you’re so selfish! This is so disrespectful! I threw you a beautiful shower and showered you with gifts and this is how you repay me!”😳 “don’t bother calling at all we won’t be part of his life!” I couldn’t believe she said that. This is your first grandchild and it’s only one day!

Meanwhile my family took it just fine. I didn’t even have to ask. my mom just said “we don’t have to be at the hospital. Just call me when you’re ready for me”

This situation hasn’t changed my mind even though she’s trying to bully us into it. I get they can be upset because this is what they wanted and we’re excited but i did expect eventually they’d respect it. But my husband is so upset he doesn’t want to speak to them or tell them they can come see him at all when he gets here. I just hate this 😭 this is not how I envisioned my son coming into the world.