Same daycare class for > 1 year


My daughter has been in daycare since she was 1 year old. She will be 3 in March. She began daycare in the infant room, and was obviously one of the oldest since she was already 1. She was in that room for approximately 3-4 wks before moving to what I’d call first stage toddler room. This room has children between 1-2 (but not over 2). She was in this particular room for 4-6 months before advancing to the room she is presently in. Which is 1.5 years old - 2ish.

I’m beginning to become concerned (but have not addressed it with the director as she is my oldest and I don’t know much about childcare practices - I never attended daycare myself). She moved to this room and was the youngest there, as all other kids were newly 2, or nearly 2, and she was between 16-18mos. Eventually, all of the kids her age (literally a group of 5 of them were born in the same week - so exactly the same age), were moved into this classroom as the older ones phased out and as they “became ready”.. that means, I think, that ratio-wise and other age rules and limits within the daycare were met, plus developmentally they were ready for the environment of that specific class. Those children have since moved between 2 other classes within the facility, mixed age classes as well, so between 2-3 year olds, or 2.5-3.5 year olds. One classroom averages “older”.

Back to my daughter, she is still in the SAME class. 1.5-2 year olds. She’s the oldest in there, and has been for quite some time. Not to mention her size compared to them (she’s always been a 99th percentile girl until here recently).

She has exhausted the learning level of this classroom long, long, ago. She’s also potty-trained and has been for about 3 months solid (prior to that she was using the bathroom, but would still have accidents occasionally). Of the kids her age that have been moved only 1 is potty trained, the others aren’t. So I know that wasn’t stopping her, she was the 1st in this age group to be successful with the toilet

I know my best bet is to chat with the director, but she is gone by the time I pick-up in the evenings. The only time I addressed it a bit was when her bestie was moved and she was missing her, I asked the teacher of her current room if she’d be moving soon and she responded that my daughter is the “perfect model of behavior for the new babies”.... which is great and all, totally fine with that, but here we are nearly 2 years in the same class.

I worry about her social skills constantly surrounded by kids that aren’t on her level because they’re so much younger. Behavior wise, I’ve noticed she is regressing a bit too, acting, behaving, and responding to situations the way she would a year ago (the same as the kids surrounding her do).

I feel like her not moving has stifled her in a lot of areas.

Now to my question 🙃

Are there requirements for centers in place that dictate rotation to next levels etc? Is there anything I’m missing maybe?

I plan to talk to the director this week, but wondered if anyone had insight, or maybe could just commiserate with me 🤦🏼‍♀️

Here’s my girl and her 10YO and 6YO brothers!