Second Trimester. Help please...

Rea • 2 girls ♡

Im 19 years old and this is my 2nd pregnancy this far along, my first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage at 4 weeks. Im currently 14+5 days pregnant and I currently just found out I'm a high risk pregnancy due to being a carrier of Fragile X Syndrome. I'm also currently out of a doctor right now since my original doctor had to drop me as a patient and refer me to a specialist, and I'm still waiting to hear from the specialist to do new patient paperwork, so I have no one to ask except the ER, but if this isn't an emergency i dont want to waste their time.

Idk if this is something to worry about but the last few times I went pee it felt like my abdominal area contracted and got tight and hurt with a pinching nerve pain to the clitoris.

It doesn't burn or anything like that when I pee so idk if it still falls into a UTI category or something else??

Plus all day with off and on sharp pains in the lower abdomen on either side which I think is normally related to just around ligament pain from the growing uterus and stretching.