Bleeding after sex

Matilda • Momma to a beautiful baby girl 🤱🏼

How much spotting is too much spotting to you guys? My husband and I had sex this morning and I went pee after and saw pink when I wiped. Only that time. Fast forward to just now, I went pee and when I wiped I saw pink/light red blood. I'm having cramps, not severe, but more than I've noticed. The other thing out of the ordinary we did today, was go for a mile long walk. I told my husband about this and he doesnt seem worried because we had sex. I've had a miscarriage before,about 2 months ago, and the bleeding was more red when I noticed, which helps soothe my mind. He wants me to wait until the morning and see how it looks or if it stopped before just going to the ER.. I am assuming it's from the sex and my irritated cervix, but I can't help but be kinda nervous because of my previous miscarriage. What do you ladies think?