40+1 and headed to work


Physically I am fine but emotionally maybe not. Obviously just a desk job and it’s a quiet time of year so if I make it in, it’s not so bad. But I think I’m gonna just put in sick days for here on out. Everyone keeps asking why I am there. Cause I only have 6 weeks paid leave saved up? Cause my doctor hasn’t said I need to stop so I can start FMLA? Cause baby isn’t here? Cause my induction isn’t for 6 days? For the love of gaw.

Update: thanks all for the support. I talked to HR and our dept director and they are beyond fine with me using a few sick days to make today my last and rest before the induction this weekend. I think physically I could keep pushing it but mentally I need to shift gears and wrap it up. I’m hoping some boring days at home might get labor going spontaneously. It means burning some paid leave time early but my hubs and I agree it’s time.