Feeling weak and sick

So yesterday I had the farts(sorry tmi) and they STUNK. Made my husband gag they stunk so bad but I couldn't use the restroom. Alittle about myself, I usually go everyday, same time, pretty regularly. Not yesterday. I had no cramping just the stinky farts which I knew was because I hadn't gone to the restroom. Fast forward to around 11:30-11:50pm and my husband decided he wanted to have sex, even though I was falling asleep and everything south of my belly button was hurting in some shape form or fashion. I obliged because I hate saying no. It literally lasted no more than 10 minutes because when I looked at the clock it was 12:04am. But immediately after I started cramping. Tried to brush it off and go to sleep but then nausea set in and I knew I needed to go to the bathroom. While sitting on the toilet and barely getting anything out of my system I start throwing up AT THE SAME TIME. I started running me a bath becahse I needed the pressure and the cramps to ease someway so maybe I could go sleep well nothing worked until the second time I threw up and got so lightheaded that I finally laid in bed and went to sleep at 2am.

Question: Has anybody been in their third trimester, and had anything remotely like this happen? This is my third pregnancy and I've never experianced anything like this before. I'm currently 33weeks and 3 days.