Mother who just doesn’t get it


We live in a tiny ass 1bedroom apartment. Our place can seem cluttered because we have so much stuff. It can be together but always seem like there’s stuff in different places because we have a 2yr old and a newborn!!

My son turned 2 end of September and it seemed like that same week he started tantrums and he already started acting a little different we (my husband and mother) all felt like “WOAH” because he was still himself but you can literally see the growth spurt!

I had also been pregnant since March, and was Due December 2nd with our newborn! So we all knew it’d be a big transition for all of us bringing in a new baby.

I’ve attachment parent our son since day 1 and has never been away from us longer than just a short sleepover with my mother who literally lives next door to us! He loves it there, always hangs out, and she helps out so much!

He was at my moms house for 2 nights and 3 days (which was the longest he’s been away from us) because I was giving birth to new baby!

He was very excited when we came home and loves his baby sister but of course here comes the struggle with transitioning... since being home with baby he seems very overwhelmed with emotions so it’s been more tantrums, he’s even more clingy times 10 towards me especially, and he’s had emotional outbursts. So far we’re only 3 weeks in since having baby.

My mom now is all extra worried about him. Saying “something is wrong with him” he never acts like this. And I keep explaining to her that it’s normal and we’re giving him the same attention while adding in new baby to make it easier but it’s still a struggle. And she thinks it’s cuz we have a lot of stuff in our apartment which isn’t the case. We do have really good days which makes me feel good and confident about being a stay at home mom with two now. But he has his moments.

But she’s fighting me on it. Like our son is spoiled (in a good way) we give him everything and treat him special. And just cuz I was telling my mom that my husband brought me coffee in the morning after being up with my newborn AND toddler in the middle of the night and she was like “what did he get Cj” (our son) and I’m like he gets everything and he knows we drink coffee in the morning. 🙄🙄🙄

I’ve sent articles about tantrums and toddler development, and also our play date buddies have been going through the same things with their toddlers being two now and 1 having a new baby sibling as well. And she still refuses to believe that a toddler can “act like that” 🙃🙃🙃

What else can I do to make her understand that it’s just about us trying to teach him how to express his feelings!