Foley catheter induction

I’m getting induced tomorrow via Foley catheter and pitocin. If you’ve had this what was your experience like? I’m super nervous, my first pregnancy was induced with cervadil and it was hell 🙈

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I have mine in right now and getting it in wasn’t painful at all but now that it’s been in there awhile it’s pretty uncomfortable but not too bad.


Shae-Lynn • Dec 31, 2019
Thank you! Good luck on the rest of your delivery 😊


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I had the foley bulb and pitocin for my induction. The foley bulb wasn’t nearly as bad as I expected from other ppl’s stories. It was uncomfortable but it wasn’t painful. Mine dilated me from a 2 to a 5 in an hour and a half then fell out. They started pitocin after which also wasn’t as bad as ppl had said. It was a slow increase in contractions. Not the abrupt start that some say. I ended up have a pain med free birth. It was comparable to my first birth which I wasn’t induced for. It was a very good experience in my opinion. I’d do it again.


Shae-Lynn • Dec 31, 2019
Reading this made me feel so much better! Thank you!


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The Foley bulb is the most natural way to induce, it dilates your cervix the way it would dilate naturally without the horrible pitocin contractions.


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Did cervdil the first time and loved it. They offered me the foley ball and I said heck no. Heard to many horror stories with it.


Shelby • Jan 4, 2020
Thanks for letting me know how it went! Congrats on your arrival of your little one!! I’m glad it went well overall! It makes me feel better hearing stories that aren’t so bad related to the foley ballon!!


Shae-Lynn • Jan 3, 2020
I had my induction Jan 1st, I got to the hospital and they got me into a room instantly, I had the Foley balloon in within 20 mins and was hooked up to pitocin. It was uncomfortable while it was in, for me I just felt like I constantly needed to go pee because there was soo much more pressure down there. It gave me really mild cramps, I was able to sleep through them. I dilated to 3 Cm after about 4 hours of the balloon. I stayed on pitocin after that and waited for things to progress. The overall experience was good, had my cervix had been a bit more favourable (it was really high and posterior) then things would have went a lot faster. It was about 17 hrs for me from start to finish. Hope your induction with this pregnancy goes well


Shelby • Dec 30, 2019
You will have to up date us because I always like hearing what other people think. I’m pregnant again and I know that’s the route they are going to want to go with me too


Posted at
Foley cather sucks


Shae-Lynn • Dec 30, 2019
Was it painful?