Was it contractions or what?!

Justyna • Mama to a toddler girl ♥️ and a newborn boy 💙

So I was on the way home from work, which is a 40 minute commute. Almost the entire drive I had what I believe were contractions. They were waves of INTENSE pain in my pelvis to the point where I had trouble talking/breathing through them. I also had intermittent back pain that was BAD. And my stomach was definitely firm. I go to the daycare to get my daughter and as I'm upright, I feel less pain. Then again on the drive from daycare to home, I experienced the same pain. I could barely answer my daughter and was in borderline tears. Since getting home, the pain has subsided considerably. It's hard for me to move around at all, so I've been lying on the couch waiting for my husband to get home from work. Any idea what the heck that was???

For reference, I'm 38 weeks and two days, 2 cm dilated and 60 effaced as of this past Friday, and been losing chunks of my mucus plug.