
Sara • 1 little boy and 1 miscarriage

So I had what I am now seeing as a chemical pregnancy where I miscarried around 4 weeks. I got a positive home test at 3.5 weeks and started bleeding off and on at 4 weeks. Blood tests she slowly declining hcg levels. I had an ultrasound and a doctor appt with an OB same day. She told me and documented in her notes that the sac was seen on ultrasound in my uterus. I did 2 rounds of meds that week that did not result in voiding the pregnancy tissue so I decided to request a d/c. After the d/c the doctor called and said no pregnancy tissue was found in the pathology. She said she looked at the ultrasound again and NO SAC was seen on the ultrasound after all. She had misread the report but didn’t admit to that. I kinda blew it off but now seeing the records validate what I was told, I’m getting upset. I never would have stayed home from work for 2 weeks just to do a surgery that I never needed. Had I known there was no visible sac at the ultrasound I would have just done the weekly blood tests and gone back to work. 😡 now I see this doctor tomorrow for my post op and I’m not really sure how to handle the situation. I feel this was much more traumatic for me than it needed to be. Dealing with this loss was bad enough for me and my husband without dragging it out and going through a surgery I NEVER NEEDED!!!