RANT I need help


So I tested positive the other day idk why tbh because I went to the doctors the same day and they said I was not pregnant ..... And by this point I told my so called friend that I thought I was keep in mind last night when I was hanging out with her and one of her friends I said idk if I am I have test saying positive and then I have some saying negative and idk witch ones to believe ..... Do she messaged me not even an hour ago asking if my fiance and I wanted to come over first we did but then she told me she we t and got me a test that she needs me to take at her house like I'm so sorry is it worng of me for not going now like I had already told her that I had some come back negative and it's like a away for her to rub it in my face like she just had a baby and the other girl has a 3 year old and the both are like hanging up on me for what reason like I'm not trying to fake a pregnancy like I have 7 test saying i. But then they started to come back negative like I'm confused and heart broke because we have been trying for so long and for us to get a positive and then get a negative it's confusing and hard like ugh I need help idk what to think