Him or the disorder?


Baby daddy and i are no longer together. 1) when we broken up in Ohio before moving back to AZ. Within 12 hrs he had a date. Like what?! While i thought we were fine we werent. 2) He had/has dating apps on his phone. Him wanting to makes "friends"....ummm boi i am NOT stupid. U dont make "friends" online especially girls. 3) I asked him to pay for his future daughter's expenses. Basically got a NO, I DONT HAVE EXTRA money. 4)He told me he asked one of his "friend" from his hometown to visit him. A girl that he known for two yrs. AND GUESS what? He bought her ticket!!! A day after Xmas. So tickets are extremely expensive. When i basically asked for him to pay half. HALF. I talked to my friends about it. Some say it's probably his disorder (bipolar)? Others are basically saying he is a dick. He cares only about himself.

P.s. there is more BUT those are the major ones that basically made me say enough is ENOUGH. So disorder or him? A yr ago we were fine. I think we were fine. Yes he is taking his meds.