How to deal with my child seeing the supernatural

My family all see supernatural things apart from my dad and I. When my son was a baby my dad went to a physic who told my dad that my son (she used his name also) would be gifted like my brother (my brother is very big into the spiritual world) there has been incidents where my 2 and half year old has all of a sudden become petrified and told me there was a monster in the house and been too scared to move etc. But most of the time he just says he sees ghosts but they dont bother him. I suppose I'm asking for advice on how to deal with these situations with him. I dont see anything at all but I know he is telling the truth and I mostly tell the spirts to go away etc when he gets scared.. I'm not looking for nasty negative comments if you dont believe in the spirt world dont bother commenting. I'm looking for mothers who deal with similar experiences with their own children on indeed people who are in touch with the spirt world and can offer some advice as to how I can support my 2 year old!