Cord/Placenta Issue - Scared for babies 😟


So, I’m trying to find out if anyone has any experience with this. I’m having B/G Twins and I’m due March 23 (however, will be delivering March 2 at the latest they said bc I will have them at 37 weeks, not 40). Last week we had a growth scan and both babies were small, however my boy is only in the 8% and girl is in 23%. Yesterday they checked the cord and placenta for both babies. Baby girl looked good! Good news there, she is just small, so that’s okay so far.

Baby boy is having some resistance in his cord and the MFM said that there is a possibility that it’s causing issues with the placenta and other problems with his growth. They’re now bringing me in every Thursday and Monday for the month of January (they scheduled all of the ultrasounds for the entire month) and she told me to be prepared for a potential hospital stay if they start seeing an absence in the cord for outflow and possibly delivering way earlier than intended. I’m scared and was trying to process everything while she was telling me this stuff so I didn’t catch everything she said. Anyone have any experience with this and outcomes? I want to hear good and bad... just want the honesty and to prepare myself for whatever may be ahead. I am hoping for good news, but she seemed apprehensive to be too positive considering his growth and now this issue with the cord/placenta, so I am a bit concerned.

I posted this in the high risk group, as well, but I always want to talk to my March mommas, bc I feel like we are all on the same time frame and I am more comfortable with some of y’all. ❤️