Husband's ex wife strung us along for years..


This sweet little boy right here is Jaxxon. He is my husband's ex wife's son who we thought from the moment he was born was my husband's child. His mother lost custody almost 2 years ago and we had been fighting for custody since that time he was 17 months old at that time and he is currently 3 years old. Before the judge would sign off on custody he wanted a DNA test so there would be no issues later down the road if he turned out not to be his. It took almost a year because his mother didn't have the birth certificate and wouldn't cooperate so we had to do and get everything through a lawyer. She jumped state to give birth so my husband was not able to sign or get a copy of the birth certificate at the time of birth. Well at the end of November test results come back and our world was shattered because he wasn't his biological child. This doesn't change anything we love this boy like we would our own child we still visit him and take him places. We still provide for him even though we don't have to and we are still "daddy" and "mama" to him. However it is still truly heartbreaking and frustrating waiting on something for so long and being excited to finally bring him home then bam. It is also heartbreaking whenever we have to leave him to go back home and he screams and cries for us cause he wants to go with us and we can't let him or explain why he can't come. It also pisses me off to no end when his "egg donor" has went around for years telling anyone and everyone who would listen how my husband is a deadbeat sperm donor who doesn't care about his son because he wouldn't give her drug money. She kept him from us for so long yet made it seem like we didn't want him. She is currently where she belongs (jail) karma sure is a bitch.