At what point do you stop worrying???

Chelsae • Wife 💍 Micro Preemie Mom 👶🏼


I found out on 12-27 I am pregnant with my rainbow baby. We lost our first pregnant 4-24-18 and was diagnosed with infertility in June 2019. I drank the pink stork fertility tea and for two weeks before my fertile window and bam I’m pregnant. I lost my last pregnancy at 6 weeks. Last time I had a bad feeling and was constantly cramping. This time I feel completely normal and haven’t had any cramping. I’m between 4 & 5 weeks. My last period was 11-27. I got my beta hcg drawn 12-27 and it was 23. I got a redraw on 12-30 and it was 78 and progesterone was 13. My doctor said since they more than Doubled all is well and I don’t need anymore labs and scheduled me for my first ultrasound on 1-28. I do feel better this time around but I’m still so worried deep down. Will this ever get better?