How long does it take you to put baby down for a nap?

On weekends and 1-2 week days I’m home with baby (otherwise he’s in daycare)... he sometimes naps in his swing but lately I’ve had best luck going in his nursery with lights off and rocking him until he’s drowsy. But whether it’s swing/car ride/stroller/rocking chair, there’s always a lot of fussing and it maybe takes 20-30 mins (or at least it feels that long each time!)

I’m great at watching out for signs of tiredness... so whether I start our little nap routine at 90 mins or 120 mins wake window, it’s the same result.

Thoughts? Do I need a more consistent nap routine? And if so, how is that even possible when daycare has to do something different or won’t be able to do certain things when we’re out and about?

*I do try my best to put him down drowsy each time so he learns to “put himself to sleep” but I’ve never been successful in just putting him in his crib before rocking him.