Quitting classes to work FT.


I need some advice. I'm really thinking about quitting classes but I feel I should push through and not give up.

I just turned 19 I have a 7 month old and I've been working part time at night and going to my rehearsals/school during the day. Before I got pregnant I was pursing dance and I still want to but it's been hard. I have my dance classes M/W/F I work usually Sunday-Th. 5pm-12:30 am. My son's up everyday at 5:45 am. And I try to go for a run twice a week.

I'm a single mom, my bf just recently passed two months ago, I'm living with his parents and they have been helping me financially and so has my dad and they all want me to continue pursing my dream and are very supportive I just feel guilty that they help me so much. I just don't know what to do anymore. This is all just so hard.