Monster in laws

Jess • Wife, Mommy of two: Jayde Marie & Hunter Lee❤️ fur mama of Lexy🐾 🦇

So I need to rant about something. My in laws have ALWAYS been overly involved in mine and my fiancé’s relationship. They involve themselves in every aspect of our lives and I am so fed up. My fiancé is the youngest in his family and thus his parents coddled him to the point where he doesn’t even know how to cook. But that’s a different story for a different rant lol.

We had our baby girl Dec 28th at 2:17pm. I had told my fiancé that I didn’t want anyone but him there and my mom and grandmother (outside the room with our older daughter). I’m still in the labour room and his mom shows up with his nephew. At this point I was hemorrhaging and didn’t really know what was happening but I kept hearing my fiancé have to tell our daughter and his nephew to stop opening the curtains. It turns out his mom was standing there with the two kids waiting to come into the room and not watching them. Then she had the nerve to post a birth announcement before I even did.

We had to stay two days because of my bleeding and stuff. The second day she shows up and bitches about the baby taking my last name. My older daughter has it and I’m not taking his when we get married. So I don’t see the problem. She brought Tim Hortons and when I asked my oldest if she had ate (because she didn’t bring her anything) she said no. Then she stayed for over 3 hours and I practically had to tell her to leave so I could sleep.

The day we got home from the hospital they came over as well. And practically sits on my lap on the couch. She’s so close and she keeps touching the baby’s face even though I’ve asked her a million times not too. She then proceeds to tell me that I can’t get her used to be held all the time. She bugs me to hold her and then after an hour doesn’t want to give her back. She started to cry for the boob and she still tried soothing her. She finally gives her back and then my FIL decides to start bitching about me breast feeding, IN MY OWN HOUSE. He says it makes him uncomfortable and blah blah blah. So I tell him not to look. After I’m done feeding, burping, changing etc, I put the baby down in her swing. His mom then starts bitching about how I can’t get her used to that as well. The final straw was that they stayed SO LATE. like past 9pm.

They came over yesterday as well and the first thing she says is “you need to put the baby down”. this time I was firm about her not holding the baby. I said I wanted my time to bond with her and she continued to sit so close to me on the couch and try and touch her face.

I am so beyond fed up, they do a lot for their son like show up with random groceries and dog sit for us sometimes but that doesn’t give them the right to act how they have been.

What do I do? I don’t want to be rude but honestly I can’t even stand them being around anymore.