Confused at 2 months. Help!


I feel like I have no idea how to read my babies cues. Honestly, is like she doesn't have any. I'm watching intently, and don't see anything. She always has her hand in her month regardless of she just ate a 4oz bottle, or she's going on 3 hours.

Help me with this one:

Ahe was up for an hour and a half, and started getting droopy eyes and yawning. So, I swaddled her up (which bright eyed her immediately) and put her down. She's been in her bed now for 1 hour awake. She's not crying, just staring, wiggling, cooing. I put her pacifer back in and she started smiling and giggling with wide eyes like she was ready to get up and finish her day. So, did I force her to keep laying down, or get her up if she's in a happy mood?