Not sure what’s going on...


***Update: I’m now 21 days late. I’ve been having dizzy spells to where I almost fall over and my hormones are out of whack. I cried reading a book to my 4 year old 🤦🏻‍♀️. I have a dr appointment tomorrow to see what’s going on.

So 4 years ago I had a tubal ligation with my last child (c section). I’ve always been regular and on time every month like clock work and I’ve always had signs(cramping, moodiness, etc) to let me know I’m about to start. This month I’m 2 weeks late and I didn’t get any cramping or anything. I haven’t been stressed and I don’t believe I’m pregnant bc I’m supposedly “fixed”. What other health issues could be causing this? Should I take a test to be sure?