Could labor be starting?

I’ve never gone into labor myself I’ve always been induced at 39 weeks

This morning at 5am I woke up very dizzy and lightheaded with heartburn

I took tums heartburn went away

I’ve been drinking water but it’s now 12 and I’m still lightheaded and dizzy

I managed to eat a small breakfast and few chips (not the best lol) but just to put something in my belly.

But now I’ve been getting small cramps. I went to the bathroom TMI and I pooped it wasn’t constipation but it wasn’t diarrhea

I figured I was getting cramps cause i had to poop

Well I’m still experiencing small cramps so I guess that wasn’t it

I’ve never had issues with blood pressure , sugar, preeclampsia , nothing....

I’m 36.6 I had an appointment at 36 and I wasn’t dilated but I don’t think I’m getting sick I don’t have chills fever runny nose nothing but a headache, dizzy lightheaded and cramps here and there